Erasmus+ Project: Integration of Migrants in the Labour Market (IMLAM) – KA210- ADU – Small-partnerships in adult education

The main aim of this Erasmus+ project,  is to integrate migrants, and other refugees in the labour market.

This project addresses digital emancipation through the increase in digital availability, resilience and capacity, which will be done by creating IT courses for both migrant learners and adult education staff.

Throughout this project, a survey was carried out among these parties, that is, migrant learners and adult education staff, which transpired that these migrant learners who are not that skilled, struggle to follow courses and also lack essential skills, such as that of IT. Therefore it can be seen that in this project, the partners are seeking to identify where the skills gap lies, and how it can be diminished. Against this background, specific training courses can be created so that they serve as a fundamental tool to allow these migrants and refugees to integrate.

It is apt to mention that even though these migrant learners were low skilled, they had the will to learn so that they can integrate and earn a living.

Moreover, employers who took part in this survey held that they were ready to give these migrants good working conditions, if they were IT skilled.

Since this project started during the final stages of the Covid-19 pandemic, a time when a lot of jobs, events and courses shifted to a blended or even, a virtual form, it can be seen that it was at this time when these migrant learners suffered the most, given that they lacked the necessary IT skills.

The main target groups of this project are: Migrant learners, employers seeking skilled workers, and adult education staff. While the migrant learners and employers form the dynamic of employment, the adult education staff are there to devise the adequate courses needed for these migrants, refugees and for the employers altogether.

This project is co-ordinated by Future Focus.

The other partners in this project are from Lativa, Cyprus, and Spain

Erasmus+ Project: CRE.O.LA – KA210-YOU-Small-Scale partnerships in Youth

The main objective of this Erasmus+ project is to ease the way a young low skilled migrant can enter the labour market, upon arriving in a country, so as to be able to be financially dependent.

This is done by teaching them digital, linguistic and social skills which would allow them to adapt in the workplace, since in reality these migrants face a culture-shock when going to a new country to settle and primarily work.

More specifically this project seeks to increase the digital skills among migrants so that they would be in a better position to integrate within the labour market, as well as increase their probability of getting chosen for employment.

This is done through the use of IT channels so that the concerned person would be able to search for employment, as well as through the familiarizing of the digital identity which is so prominent in this day and age.

Moreover, this project also seeks to increase the language skills of these young migrants, so that they would have the tools needed to be independent and communicate during their job.

Nonetheless, another aim of this project is to teach inclusion, which allows local employers and migrants to have better opportunities and chances of meeting and working together. Therefore, through these factors, young migrants can be able to integrate within the labour market.

This project aims to mainly target young migrants, including asylum seekers, refugees, seasonal workers and their families, as well as the employers and owners of the local businesses, which employ the young migrants. Indirectly, members of local communities will also be targeted so that the young migrants will have a greater opportunity to integrate.

This project is co-ordinated by a partner from Italy.

The other partners in this project are from Slovakia, Ireland, and Malta.

digital tools for job handbook.docx


Preparation: Elżbieta Królikowska-Kińska, Marek Melaniuk, Beata Owczarska (Akademia Seniora Activus) and Curtis Ferrugia, Rosanne Galea (Future Focus Ltd.)

One of the main objective of Erasmus+ Project “Active 60+ in Europe of Shared Values” is to strengthen awareness and sense of European identity among the participants of project, especially among seniors.

The Project Coordinator is Activus Foundation based in Łódź, Poland and Project Partner is Future Focus Ltd., based in Floriana, Malta. Our Polish team developed the survey to analyse the importance of the values functioning in the European Union.

The project “Active 60+ in Europe of common values” was implemented by the Activus Foundation, which pursues its statutory goals through the Senior Academy and the adult education organization in Malta – Future Focus Ltd..

Contact was established via the EPALE platform. Both institutions work to support adults in their continuous intellectual and spiritual development, to make them aware of their potential for action, and to create conditions for social integration.

Thanks to the “Active 60+ in Europe of common values” project, the following qualitative results were achieved in the FA-FFL Partnership:

On the institutional level

  1. Partnership cooperation was established with an adult education institution in the EU (Future Focus Ltd. from Malta).
  2. Both institutions have gained experience in implementing an international partnership project under the Erasmus+ programme.
  3. The Activus Foundation gained its first experience in managing an international project as a Project Coordinator.
  4. Experience in the implementation of international projects gained in the project “Active 60+ in Europe of Common Values” contributed to the increase of awareness and deepening the sense of European identity among the target groups of the FA-FFL Partnership.
  5. A cooperation network was built on the organizational level of the FA-FFL Partnership.
  6. There was organizational development in both institutions in the areas of management, organizational culture, educational offer, forms of training work in the institution and in the environment of the local community.
  7. The prestige and recognition of the Activus Foundation in the Lodz community of organizations activating and educating seniors has increased.
  8. Future Focus Ltd. gained experience in carrying out a large social research.
  9. Future Focus Ltd. deepened its cooperation with the senior organization in Floriana and opened its offer to a new target group.


On an individual level, members of the project’s target groups:

1. The staff of the Activus Foundation increased their management competences in the field of law and communication by preparing the Partnership Agreement.

2. The staff of the Activus Foundation improved their management competences, especially in the field of planning, monitoring and risk management in projects.

3. The staff of the Activus Foundation improved their competences in the field of communication in English.

4. The staff of Future Focus Ltd. increased their management competences, especially in the field of communication, planning joint ventures and documenting activities in accordance with the Partnership Agreement.

5. Participants of study trips improved their communication skills in foreign languages, cultural and social skills.

6. The students of the Activus Senior Academy participating in the relevant workshops deepened their key competences:

– in the field of creating and understanding information, including by activating and joining debates, discussions and conversations,

– digital, with particular emphasis on the safe use of Internet resources, and the specificity of the language of communication in the digital space,

– functional digital competences necessary to actively participate in many activities,

– in the field of practical use of basic vocabulary and phrases in Italian,

– self-presentation skills, presentation of your own organization and your little homeland in English,

– in terms of personal and social development and learning skills.

7. A network of cooperation was built on the individual level of the participants of the target groups.

8. Increased cultural awareness in the project target groups (Future Focus Ltd. staff, Activus Foundation staff, Activus Senior Academy students) – awareness of common European values, common history, mechanisms of the European Union, benefits and limitations of belonging to the EU .



Press article

Up-Skilling Sustainability in Travel and Tourism; The socio-cultural point of View (USiTaT) 2021-1-FI01-KA220-VET-000033268

The objectives of this project will be sustainable tourism and travelling from a socio-cultural point of view. The project has 5 partners from 4 European countries. These include partners from Finland, Italy, The Netherlands and Malta. The project will bring about two results: A Study Unit ‘Vocational Study Unit on Social- Cultural Sustainability in Travel and Tourism’ and a Digital guidebook for sustainable travel and tourism in socio-cultural point of view.
Socio-cultural sustainable tourism includes among others the accessibility for all including physical accessibility but also accessibility for people from different cultural backgrounds, race, religion and so on. The aim of the project is to gather information on how socio-cultural sustainability in tourism companies and organisations can be promoted. It also aims to train persons interested in working in the tourism sectors across Europe and beyond.




The ‘Includmi: Inclusion of Migrants by Qualified Occupation in the Tourism Industry’ project seeks to promote equal opportunities including access, inclusion, diversity and fairness across all its actions for migrants in European member states. The project focuses on the essential improvement of the language skills of migrants and their knowledge in order to boost their professional opportunities in the tourism sector. Throughout this project, we will develop training materials for adult language educators via the CLIL methodology. This will result in the up-skilling of migrants in order to enhance their opportunities, and facilitate their social inclusion in the tourism job market.





The main aim of the YOUNGreen project is to promote and insert unemployed youths with low qualifications into the labour market through green entrepreneurship and the circular economy. This project will highlight the opportunities available to youths who want to develop their own ideas and open their own businesses in the green economy sector. Throughout this project, a training course will be developed, focusing primarily on the improvement of professional competencies of educators and youth workers via an innovative methodology within the EntreComp framework.