Aim of the course:
The aim of the course is to provide students with sound pedagogical knowledge which will help them understand how young children learn and how to individualise learning to meet the individual interests, aptitudes, characteristics and contexts of children. This course aims to prepare those working in an educational setting in the area of Early Years particularly for those planning to become KG3.
Target audience and Entry Requirements:
The target audience is learners holding MQF level 5 certificates as Senior Practitioners in Early years and the top up programme and have therefore already completed 60 ECTS credits in the field. This programme is for those working (in employment on a full time or part time basis) or planning to work (carrying out voluntary hours) with children between the ages of 0 and 7 years and who have an interest in working and promoting high standards in early years.
Method of delivery:
The programme will be delivered online.The work placement will take place in kindergartens licenced by the Directorate for Quality and Standards in Education in Malta or their counterparts abroad. The delivery will be monitored by the programme leader under the directorship of the head of the institution. Mentors will be recruited and can be employers and/or colleagues of the students. However, mentors cannot mentor students at the same place of work because of potential conflict of interest. Future Focus has a conflict of interest policy in this regard and this will be applied. To clarify further an employer can be a mentor but not of his employees so the mentor can mentor students working in another place of work. Official meetings with the mentors are held on a regular basis and communication is normally electronic (via zoom/teams).The course will be delivered via zoom and students will have access to our online portal.The taught modules will be delivered using the following methods:
- Online synchronous lectures which mainly constitute of explanations, highly informative presentations followed by class discussions and case studies which engage all participants in learning through critical thinking and verbal interaction.
- Self-directed study through online research and the Future Focus online platform where relevant course material is made available for students.
Tutors with a breadth and depth of knowledge, understanding and skills developed through experience in the field, provide for interactive and collaborative teaching methods promoting shared enquiry. Individual and group tutorials with emphasis on formative feedback will support learners to successfully complete the course. Learners will have the opportunity to discuss approaches with other experienced practitioners.
Training of lecturers for the effective and efficient employment of the digital system is ongoing, with meetings held regularly to improve and fine-tune the delivery of classes online. Students also undergo an induction session at the start of every course and this includes explanations on how to use the digital means of delivery of lessons and of the online institutional platform.
All tests will be in the form a multiple choice questionnaire and this will be in the form of 20 questions which are to be answered in 40 minutes.
Classes for this course are twice a week, in the evenings via zoom, which classify this course as a full time course.
Course Outline:
Throughout the course the students will be exposed to a wide range of skills, including planning, observation, documentation, assessment and reflective practice, which are needed when one is working with young children. The study-units are focused to introduce students to professional, philosophical and pedagogical issues across different disciplines, with the aim to equip them with the knowledge, skills and competences needed, including:
•a deep understanding the diversity of young children’s growth and development
• developing an understanding of the impact of the social, cultural and life experiences on children’s learning and development
• a broad pedagogical knowledge to understand how young children learn
• the ability to plan, develop and implement developmentally appropriate activities that are based on their interests through the most effective way; therefore applying theory to practice;
• an understandingof a range of professional issues which impact directly on the management of and relationships amongst a group of learners
• a deep understanding of the ethical issues implicit in the professional role
• a commitment to social justice and democratic participation in an education where children’s rights, voices and an ethics of care are valued
• an understanding that teaching and learning are complex processes that involve working with multi-disciplinary professionals, parents and multiple practitioners
• an acquisition of specialised knowledge of early childhood education-related aspects of the following areas: Psychology, Pedagogy, Professional Practice, Creative Activity, and Professional Issues.
• Use theoretical and practical knowledge to make evidence informed judgements• Critique theoretical ideas
• Recognize best practice
• Use own initiative when dealing with social and ethical issues• Communicate complex ideas and understanding
Access to resources:
At the start of the course, learners are given access to the institution’s VLE where every student is to create his/her personalised password-protected account. This online portal is utilized as a direct link between student, teacher and institution. Here lecturer upload resources for students, and students upload work assigned. The portals are also used for attendance records and gradebooks. Moreover, they provide for a direct news portal and means of communication between students and teachers or institution.
Modules 1 to 7 together make 60 ECTS credits. These shall be done in the First Year (2 sessions of 3 hours each, for a total of 6 contact hours per week). Future Focus has 4 semesters; spring, summer, autumn and winter. The students will be expected to complete 1 or 2 module per semester as indicated in the modules hereunder. The practice placement component will not be tied to a specific semester. The student will organise this module with the host organisation. Students can start the practice placement after the 3rd semester in year 1 and must complete the hours before submitting the dissertation.
Modules 8 to 16 together make another 60 ECTS credits. These shall be completed in the Second Year of Studies (2 sessions of 3 hours each, for a total of 6 contact hours per week).
The Total Learning Hours is 3000 hours, out of which 434 are Contact Hours and 510 are Placement Hours.
The Programme Structure:
Module/Unit Title
Compulsory (C) or Elective (E)
(Figures must be whole integers and with a value of at least 1 ECTS)
MQF Level
of each module |
Mode of Teaching
(Lectures, workshop, placement, asynchronous, forums, VLE, etc.)
Mode of Assessment
(Examination, assignment, project, blog, etc.)
SU1: Academic Skills in the Early Years |
C |
6 |
6 |
Lectures |
Test +Reflective Journal |
SU2: Legal Aspects for the Early Years Practitioner including safeguarding and child protection.
C |
6 |
6 |
Lectures |
Test+ Presentation
SU3: Child Development |
C |
18 |
6 |
Lectures |
Assignment + Reflective Journal + Presentation |
SU4: The Emergent Curriculum and modern methodologies as tools for the Early Childhood Practitioner
C |
6 |
6 |
Lectures |
Reflective Journal + Assignment |
SU5: Mathematics in the Early Years |
C |
4 |
6 |
Lectures |
Test + Reflective Journal |
SU6: The Great Outdoors for the Early Years Practitioner
C |
6 |
Lectures |
Reflective Journal + Presentation |
SU7: Practice Placement 1 |
C |
16 |
6 |
Work place Learning |
Portfolio + oral exam |
SU8: Language and Literacy including the use of Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in the Early Years
C |
6 |
6 |
Lectures |
Presentation and reflective journal |
SU9: Science and Technology including Robotics in the Early Years |
C |
6 |
6 |
Lectures |
Assignment |
SU10: Research Methods and Analysis |
C |
8 |
6 |
Lectures |
Assignment |
SU11: Digital Literacies to support language and other development
C |
4 |
6 |
Lectures |
Presentation |
SU12: Preparing for school and other important transitions affecting children aged 0-7 years |
C |
4 |
6 |
Lectures |
Assignment |
SU13: Leadership in Early Years |
C |
4 |
6 |
Lectures |
Assignment |
SU14: Social Policy and Social Pedagogies |
C |
6 |
6 |
Lectures |
Assignment |
SU15: Practice Placement 2 |
C |
10 |
6 |
Work based learning |
Portfolio + Oral Exam |
SU16: Dissertation |
C |
12 |
6 |
Tutoring Research |
Thesis + Oral Exam |
Total ECTS |
120 ECTS |
Total ECTS
for Programme Completion |
120 ECTS |